![]() Press material: (Here is a list of files for download. On Windows you right click on the link and choose 'Save Target As'. On a Mac you click the link while pressing the Ctrl-key - and then you choose'Download Link To Disk'.) k4abig.mov (quicktime movie - 35 megabyte) presse.swf (flash movie) presse.exe (slideshow for PC) presse_mac.sit (slideshow for Mac) garden.jpg genown.jpg lab.jpg home2.jpg lab3.jpg genown3.jpg garden2.jpg login.jpg lab2.jpg home1.jpg genown2.jpg door.jpg Kharon 4a is an online adventure game dealing with biotech issues. The game takes place in the four rooms of Kharon: The Garden, the enormous greenhouse where you have to solve problems related to genetics and the natural or manmade environment. The Laboratory, where you get involved in making medicines and caring for important samples. The Office, where important ethical and economical decisions are made. The Home, a private corner in a world gone desperately wrong. Together the four rooms of Kharon make up a world that only you and your decisions may save. The targeted audience is from 14 years and older, the same audience that loved Myst and Riven, and Kharon 4a clearly pays tribute to these classic adventure games. But technology has evolved: what once was groundbreaking on the CD-ROM platform, is now possible to do on the World Wide Web. And more: it is possible to add elements of the community feeling that evolves around a game, and use it in the game experience itself. The makers of the game have worked closely with the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board during the creative process - to ensure the scientific validity of the game content. So, having played Kharon 4a, you will be left with not only an interesting and entertaining online experience, but you will also be familiar with the most imporant aspects of bio technology. The game Kharon 4a was comissioned by: ITU & Futurama Manuscript: Widar Aspeli Audio: Geir Bremer Øvrebø Flash, 3D & programming: Orgdot Scientific consultants: The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board |